We are excited to offer flat-rate monthly service to our best clients! Because no property or lawn is exactly the same - and your goals for your lawn may be different than another's - we would like to know exactly which services you'd like to have taken care of automatically throughout the year and which services you feel you do not need (or will request if you need it).
This form is requesting great deal of detail for your benefit. Understanding your goals and the aims of each service will allow you to make an informed decision and for us to schedule priority services over electives.
Please set aside 10-15 minutes to complete this form and click Submit. Once we've received this, we will present you with a customized service agreement and schedule to review and keep on hand for reference.
Let's start with your name, and contact information:
Snow Clearing does not include scraping deeply packed snow from driveways. We will always pick up what we can with shovels, but due route urgency we cannot dedicate time to tough jobs every snowfall.
*NOTE: flat-rate service for snow clearing is based on a fixed number of visits per month based on average snowfall of 15cm or less. If snowfall exceeds 15cm it requires more time and will therefore consume a second "visit". If no snowfall occurs in the month at all, we will carry HALF of the balance to credit the month afterward.